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Blogging Again

I'm back.

For several years I wrote a short blog, two or three times a week. There were gaps of time when I didn't post anything. Sometimes the gaps were days, sometimes weeks, and occasionally a month or more. The present gap has been over two years! I'll try not to let that happen again.

Why blog? For one thing, God continues to do great things in my life. I encourage others by sharing. For another, I make mistakes, and I'm glad to let you laugh at me and learn from my missteps. Third, I see things differently than you do, and I'm sure you'll find that interesting and odd and amusing, and it will give you insight into one of your favorite authors (me!).

Today we find ourselves in the midst of a pandemic. In Georgia, we've been told to "shelter in place," only leaving home for important things like food and medicine. Only essential businesses are approved to continue as usual. Churches are told to close their doors. Our world has been temporarily turned upside-down.

What's that the Bible said in Romans 8:28? "And we know that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." Are you wondering what good can come from this disaster?

Maybe we'll see later.

I can see already, though, that churches have time right now to think about what is most important in what they do. What are the ingredients that make a strong body of believers? What have the various generations missed the most about the gathered church? Is there a lifeline that young adults and teens have reached for, during this crisis, that the church does a poor job of providing?

We can come out of this tough time a stronger people. Yes, that's what the Bible verse said.

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