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Treating Myself Like a Dog

I’m having trouble lately making time for exercise.  I’m off schedule.

You see, a few weeks ago, my dog died.  Alfie was fourteen years old.  He found us when he was about six months old.  We were faithful to walk him a mile or more every day; when our son went off to college twelve years ago, all the dog walking fell to me.

Actually, folks will testify that Alfie walked ME.

I knew my dog needed a walk every day, and he really looked forward to it.  No matter how late I finished 

work, no matter how tired I was, I made sure to walk Alfie.  If not for him, many days I would have gotten no exercise at all.

So now I’m having trouble with one of the most basic commands of God:  Love your neighbor as yourself.  I always cared enough to walk my four-footed neighbor, but I don’t seem to love myself as much.

Take care of others, but take the time to also care for yourself.  The longer we live, the more people we can influence for God.

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