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Two Turkeys Are Better than One

I look forward to the grocery store’s annual sale on turkeys.  At less than half price, the birds are a real bargain.  Limit is two per family, and I get two.

In Luke 12, Jesus tells a parable about a farmer that had a great harvest, and decided to build bigger barns to store the bumper crop.  That way he could take it easy the following year, living off the excess.  Jesus called him foolish for keeping all the extra for himself.

You may wonder why a family of two would need two thirteen-pound turkeys.  I wonder myself sometimes.

On the other hand, if the store runs the sale again this week, I’m considering making room in the freezer for two more.

We will certainly eat meat in the months ahead, and we love turkey.  I’m planning ahead, being a good steward of the resources God has granted me.

Am I depriving someone else of a bargain by getting more of the birds than I need for this holiday?  I doubt it.  The store will have enough for everybody.

Am I like that farmer in the parable, then?  I don’t really think so.  But it sure made me stop to consider.

Never let the Bible become so familiar to you that you can’t hear God speaking to you about life change.

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