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What Time Do I Think It Is?

I have no trouble changing from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time.  I’m never an hour late or an hour early.  I’m secretly amused at the folks who show up for Sunday morning worship an hour early on that time change day in the fall.  They slip into a Sunday School class as if they meant to be there at 10 instead of 11.  I know better.

But this year is different.  My body is running an hour ahead since we turned the clocks back.  I keep waking up an hour before the alarm.

I’ve tried staying up later.  It doesn’t work.  I try to really wear myself out.  Nope, that doesn’t help.

It’s like jet lag, without going anywhere.  Shortage of sleep is wearing me out.

Perhaps my attitude needs adjusting.  Until my body adjusts, I should just slip out of bed when I wake up early, and consider it bonus time.  I can read a chapter or two of a book, or maybe plan the day  ahead.  

Hey, that’s it:  God has given me a gift of time, and I’ve been wasting it by lying restlessly in bed!

How many other blessings have I not noticed today?  I’d better get my eyes open!

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