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Is This a Bad Time?

I've been caught again. From talking to a few close friends, it seems I'm not the only one.

I do my best to ignore the weight increase that seems to slip up on me. Yes, I notice when clothes gradually "shrink" over the period of several months. I know I should do something about it. I procrastinate going on a diet, because what works best for me is counting calories. And I hate to count calories.

So here we are again, same thing as last year at this time. I need to shed a few pounds, but the Thanksgiving feast is only three weeks away. Should I wait until after that? And then there's the Christmas season and all those wonderful sweets. Maybe it would be foolish to get into watching what I eat right now.

So, I'm caught in the middle (no pun intended). This is just not a good time for change.

To be quite honest, there is never a good time for change. Change requires new ways of doing things. It implies discomfort. I don't want to spend any precious time doing away with habits. Habits save time, because you can do them without thinking, and who ever has any spare time these days?

The problem is, life requires constant change. As we get older, for instance, our metabolism slows down, so as we slow down we require fewer calories and must eat less. Technology continues to move ahead, so we have to keep learning new ways to do things, or be left behind.

God will change a person's life. Those of us who have already given our lives to God know this, and we see it as a selling point. Every change God has made in me is good. But I can see why some folks are scared to take the same step.

Change is hard, and it never seems a good time for it. Actually, it's always a good time.

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