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Change of Seasons

I don't like change a whole lot, but I consider myself more willing to adapt than most people. It's fall, and next Sunday the time changes ("fall back an hour").

Besides changing wardrobe, I've got to walk my dog before supper to catch any daylight. Horseshoes season is over, so I'll be looking for an alternative form of exercise to replace that. The chilly weather will make it necessary to keep track of overnight temperatures, in case it drops below freezing and special precautions are needed.

The change in seasons is a gift from God! Life is not meant to be dull. We should be growing every day. God is working to make us better, if we'll let him! We've read that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, which means that the same God who was creative at the beginning is still creative today!

Other things have changed, besides the weather. My father died a few months ago. My book publisher closed its doors this year. We've had to assume more responsibility for my mother-in-law's well being. I've finally begun, with my wife's help, the editing phase of a book I began in 2015. God has helped me understand the book of Revelation! I'm learning new leadership skills. Change keeps happening.

And I've come back to you! My last blog post was on April 10, but hopefully I'll get back to my three-a-week rhythm.

It's a new season. Praise be to God, who is with us through it all!

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