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Working on the Railroads

When overnight company comes, we have an inclination to get out the board games. The last one we choose is often Monopoly, since it tends to take a greater investment of time. (Also, for those who are very competitive, it can give rise to hard feelings.)

How do you win that real estate trading game? Is their a foolproof scheme? For me, it has always been a game of chance, with much depending on whether or not the roll of the dice causes you to land on choice properties. Sometimes you can make deals with other players to swap real estate, but there is still some reliance on luck.

A good friend of ours always seems to do well when he acquires all four railroads. I'm not sure why he does so well with this strategy. After all, rent when landing on a railroad doesn't compare to what can be made on 'street' properties, especially if those properties have houses or hotels on them.

Can you be as successful with steady income as with investments that involve risk? Sure,that's the most common path to financial security. Most of us, though, enjoy the adrenaline rush of having a gamble work out well.

That's why we remember the story of the Prodigal Son so well, Luke 15:11-32. It's our story. At times we'd be willing to trade all we have on the chance of hitting it rich. The Bible tells us to trust in the Lord, and don't lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). In Matthew 6, Jesus says to not worry about tomorrow so much, just believe that God knows your needs.

My wild ideas really can't work out as well as a daily, steady trust in God., even though sometimes they are pretty magnificent! I'm sure sometimes God has to laugh at my attempts be something big.

Lord, teach this hard-headed man that all I really need is you.

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