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Bringing Out the Fine Stuff

Over the many wonderful years of our marriage, Joy and I have acquired some nice dishes. We have Grandma's china, and the set of china we received in our wedding gifts, and the beautiful white Mikasa china we bought to use every day.

Along with those sets, we have goblets, lovely crystal, and some really nice serving pieces.

When do people use their best, in our day? Most families use paperware now for big gatherings. I'm afraid that when you and I invite neighbors or friends for a meal, we use our everyday plates and glasses. The best we have goes unused.

What would relatives say if we used our finest china at family birthday parties? Would friends think us foolish if we got out the best stuff (that isn't dishwasher- or microwave-safe) for an informal brunch?

I remember, in Mark 14, how critical people were of a woman who broke open an expensive jar of ointment one day, to anoint Jesus' head. It seemed, to most, too ordinary an occasion to break out the best stuff. Jesus said, "Let her alone. Time runs out. I won't be around much longer, for anybody to do this kind of thing."

I see his point. What are we keeping our best china hidden away for? Use it now, enjoy it. What good does it do anybody stored away? Like the Stephen Curtis Chapman song says, "This is life we've been given, meant to be lived out, so live out loud!"

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