When to Wear New Shoes

We were buying some athletic shoes as a gift for a relative. Though the price was more than we really had planned to spend, we decided to go ahead.
The announcement on the store's speaker system changed things! "Get a second pair for half price." Neither of us really needed another pair of shoes, but it would reduce the net price of the gift pair. We bought me an extra pair of athletic shoes.
I should leave them in the box. I should wear out the shoes I've already got. I should not hurry to throw out my present athletic shoes, just because new ones are waiting. It's hard.
I guess that's how folks get into debt. They know the old car still gets them where they want to go, but if a dealer will give them credit, why not get a better ride? A house of your own is great, but it would be better to save awhile, make a bigger initial payment, so that mortgage payments would be reasonable. Debt is easy to rationalize. Why wait to enjoy life?
I guess I'll just leave those handsome, comfortable, classy new athletic shoes in the closet. I'll continue to wear these dirty old shoes I've been wearing, even though the padding is wearing out and they're probably doing some kind of damage to my feet, and they make a lousy impression on people I meet, and they don't have much tread left, and all that stuff.
"There is desirable treasure and olive oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish person devours all he has." Proverbs 21:20