Storm Time
I've taught myself to work from a list. The theory is that, with a previously-prepared list, you won't waste time wondering what to do next. It works for me. I even put jobs in order, with times of expected completion!
Like most of us, some of my jobs require me to leave the house. They might include picking up supplies at a store, walking next door to the church to retrieve one of my books, maybe walking the dog, or practicing horse shoe pitching.
It really throws my schedule for a loop when a storm rolls in. Everything I need to do outside has to wait. Invariably, that job was necessary before I could do something else further down my list. I get stalled.
What are my choices? I can radically rearrange my schedule. I can delve into future chores, swapping my outside chores with an inside job. I can take a break, pushing my whole schedule back to account for the length of the storm, then work late to make up for it.
What usually happens is none of these. I just leave some things undone, and don't even worry about when I'll get back to them. Storm time may just be a gift from God.
"So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today." Matthew 6:34