Derailed by a Penny
This is ridiculous. After all my work, putting this document together, it won't be ready in time. The stupid printer is out of ink.
It's such a little thing. The printer works fine. I have the document on my computer, and the computer works fine. Good grief, the electricity works fine, there's no power outage. I may have to make a midnight run to the store.
I was told, as a little boy, to never put a penny on a railroad track. That little coin, they said, could derail a whole train. Could that really be? I'd seen the coin that my buddy kept in his pocket, a penny that doubled in size after it was run over by a train, and there hadn't been any train wrecks lately. Still, little things could certainly ruin lots of plans, like the dance Dad wouldn't let me go to because I hadn't mowed the lawn.
One of the biggest 'little things' in life is accepting Jesus Christ as your savior. It only takes a moment, yet some can't take that step. It makes an amazing difference, in this life and the next.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16