Dead Tomatoes
It's over. There are no more tomatoes on the vine. Frost is just around the corner.
Really, I'm glad. It was a pitiful season for growing tomatoes, for me. All I ended up with was one lousy tomato---one! The big green worms, on the other hand, did quite well.
I emptied out the containers today that I grew my four plants in. I scattered the rich black soil in a bare patch of the lawn. I put away the tomato cages, and threw away the netting that kept the birds away from my tomato. Maybe next year will be better. The season is over.
I'd really love to linger on thoughts of my failed gardening this year. I could tell of my late beginning, of dry weather, and going on vacation at a time fairly crucial to my tomato plants. Living in the past does no good.
Ever get stuck that way? Forgive yourself and go on. If you're stuck on a past sin, be assured that God forgives you. Our God is famous for being a God of second chances.
And, of course, there's the famous Bible passage, Ecclesiastes 3:1, "For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven."
A new season starts now.