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Putting On a Show

I usually only get moderately excited over flowers. They are nice. They are pretty. But lantana are my kind of flower, because they actually do something.

Another name for lantana is "butterfly bushes," because what they do is attract butterflies. Early in the morning or when the weather is very sunny, dozens of butterflies flutter from one lantana bush to the next. The maximum number of butterflies appear when it is both sunny and early morning.

To me, it's enthralling. The colorful creatures just float from one beautiful flower to the next. They hardly notice me. They have no idea they are putting on a show, that they are relieving my stress, that they are putting a smile on my face.

I reckon Christians are supposed to be like lantana. We attract people to Christ, and they attract others, and it goes on and on. Just like the bushes and butterflies don't go out of their way to put on a show, we just live our regular Christian life, and if we live it like we should, others are attracted to Christ.

"So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us; we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God." II Corinthians 5:20

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