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Meatloaf Again?

When you have a family of five or six, you go through a lot of food. Most serving dishes are empty after each meal. However, if your kids have grown and moved away and now your family is just husband and wife, you have to deal with leftovers.

My wife and I are fine with leftovers. In fact, some foods are better the second time around, allowing seasonings to blend a little more. It's not unusual for us to make two major meals in a week and reheat on the subsequent days in an alternating fashion.

I've heard that some people just won't eat leftovers. They just throw them away. You may find Biblical justification for that in the third chapter of Philippians, where Paul writes, "More than that, I regard everything as loss because of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and I regard them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ."

I'd rather see what is past as not exactly rubbish, but compost! Your past mistakes or victories can be used to make your future better. You, and others, can learn from your mistakes.

Let nothing be wasted.

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