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Loaded for the Road

My wife and I seem to have gone through stages in how we pack the car for a road trip. Our philosophy on what to pack has changed over the years.

At least once a year, we travel from Georgia to upstate New York, about a thousand miles, to see my relatives. When we were first married, we traveled light, only taking what we needed.

(Actually, we didn't own a lot of extra! I remember that when we moved one time, two years after we married, all our possessions fit into a small pull-behind trailer.)

When our family expanded to include our son, baby things had to be include on the road trip. It's amazing how many extra bags have to go in the car because of one little baby!

By the time our little boy was in his teens, the three of us could barely close the trunk of the car, once we packed in the essentials for a long road trip. Whew!

Now that our son is grown and has his own family, we're back to traveling as just husband and wife. I decided a couple years ago that we would forget about packing light now. if it fits in the car, let's take it. Why not? Let's enjoy ourselves, with no regrets about what we should have packed.

As a Christian, how are you packed for this 'road trip' we call life? We don't know what we'll face each day as we seek to bring people in God's direction. Might as well forget about traveling light, and just load up on Bible knowledge, prayer, worship, fellowship. You don't want to regret not having what you need.

I Peter 2:5, "Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."

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