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Slap a Smile on Your Face

One day last week, I read through Ecclesiastes as part of my routine of reading through the Bible each year. It can be quite depressing!

"Everything is vanity," or "Everything is futile," the author says, depending on your Bible translation. He tries everything from acquiring knowledge to just plain having a good time. Nothing provides long-term satisfaction. Anything gained is just passed on to someone else when you die.

The main point never stuck with me in previous readings, but this time it's not leaving me. The author says to not spend so much effort striving for more of everything. You've got to enjoy today. Don't just trudge through life, getting this or that project done, checking off completed activities. Live right in the middle of what you're doing, and enjoy it!

Ecclesiastes 11:7-8a: "Light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun. Even those who live many years should rejoice in them all."

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