Drop It!
Would you let a few ears of corn interrupt your life? I reckon I would. When fresh vegetables come in, you drop everything. So, yesterday I was out early, helping pull corn.
It's not all I drop everything for. Funerals come to mind, and drop-in visits by kin or close friends passing through. Likewise, people drop what they're doing when I happen by.
How far do you go with that? Some folks I know seem to be perpetually late, because they are willing to get off schedule for ANYTHING. I mean, what good is a plan of you don't use it?
We've all heard that the interruptions in life are the most important parts of life. There's got to be a limit, though. The Golden Rule says, "Do unto others as you would have others do to you." Would you want to be regularly kept waiting by someone that lets interruptions rule their life?
Is there a way to know when to stop and listen, or to take a longer route, or stop to lend a hand? It may sound crazy, but I believe God will nudge you a little when it's time to allow an interruption. He does me. I've missed a few nudges. Because I'm hardheaded.