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Snow Day

I've been thinking about snow a lot lately. It's because we're having temperatures near one hundred on most days.

I grew up in the farm country of New York State. We had plenty of snow in the winter, and winter lasted a long, long time. Snow could be incredibly fun!

As I grew older, snow lost some of its appeal. I delivered newspapers on a bike, which became more and more difficult as the inches of snow increased. There were three-pairs-of-gloves days when I actually had to dismount and walk the bicycle part of the way. (I kept telling myself, "I've got a job, and more spending money than most of my friends.")

Nowadays, I tell folks that one of the greatest things about Georgia is that we don't have to shovel our weather down here. Another 'yankee' transplant tells people that one day he started walking south, leaving Pennsylvania, with a snow shovel on his shoulder. When he got to the point that people would ask, "What's that on your shoulder?" he knew he'd traveled far enough south.

When it gets hot, think of snow! In the same way, when your life seems difficult, think of the day when God delivers you through it all.

"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1

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