Driving from Memory
My big brother got his driver's license when he was 16, and shortly thereafter I got to ride in the car with him. Of course, he and I both thought he was pretty special. I remember Larry telling me, with a hint of wisdom that only comes from experience, "You've got to learn to drive from memory." Wow. I was impressed.
Then I asked, "What does that mean?"
To make a long story short, he meant that you can't keep your eyes on the road at all times, but also watch things on the side, like looking for animals that might dart out, or reading road signs, or just noticing the scenery. Driving from memory is remembering where you're going when you have to look away for a second.
You've got to know 'straight ahead' well enough that things 'on the side' don't make you drive off the road. We've all ridden in a car with people that tend to steer slightly toward whatever catches their eye on the side of the road (or even in the other lane!).
Learn to drive from memory, in other parts of your life. Remember so well the right direction to go with your life that distractions don't pull you off the right way. Learn good eating habits, good morals, good grooming, etc., etc. Most of all, plant God's word, the Bible, in your heart. Stay on the road.
"With my whole heart I seek You; do not let me stray from Your commandments." Psalm 119:10