Sturdy Furniture
When I run into a piece of furniture with my little toe, in the middle of the night, I am reminded that there are two kinds of things in this world: Things that move around, and things that don't move.
My latest encounter with this 'law of nature' was a couple of days ago. I bent over to pick something up, forgetting that there was a wall cabinet directly over where I was bending. You guessed it. I stood up too straight, and the corner of the cabinet made significant contact with the middle of my head. Ouch! The cabinet was not hurt, by the way.
Now, I am glad that furniture stays put. I want everything in its place. I should be the part that freely moves among the stationary objects. When I run into something, though, I wish the furniture would give just a little, to lessen my injuries!
God's standards are like pieces of furniture. We're glad they are immovable, that they are guidelines that we can lean on. There are plenty of changes in life. We need standards.
For those without a relationship with God, it's like living in a world where the furniture won't stay in place. (If furniture could move, it would always be trying to get in front of your little toe!)
"The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the decrees of the Lord are sure, making wise the simple." Psalm 19:7