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Staying Packed

Finally our first grandchild arrived! We welcome the changes she brings!

For a month, we've jumped at every phone call, especially the late night ones. Could this be it? Are they going to the hospital for the delivery? There were several false alarms, but we continued to stay ready. We wanted to be there for the event.

It was not always easy to keep the right clothes packed. For one thing, the weather was 'iffy.' Would it stay warm, or would it turn cool? At times, the next few days were predicted to be in the nineties, and soon after we were looking at highs in the sixties.

Of course, I have favorite things I like to wear. I would borrow a pair of jeans from my suitcase, then have to put in a substitute. When that favorite pair of jeans got washed again, into the suitcase it would go.

I finally was smart enough to buy enough sample-sized toiletries to keep separate, so that I could keep my 'little black bag' packed and at the ready. I had to borrow some mouthwash one time, but I refilled it the next day.

Jesus' disciples asked him once when the 'last days' would be. His answer continues to surprise people: He didn't even know the answer to that question. He said that only God knows. Jesus just said, "Be ready." If you've made Jesus your savior, I'd say you've got your bags packed. Good job!

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