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Upside-Down World

I love roller coasters. It's not only the ones that go up tall hills and then swoosh you down to deep valleys that I like. I especially love the ones that take you backwards, upside down, and through high-speed turns and corkscrews.

Some people don't like roller coasters, for exactly the same reason I love them. There is a thrill involved, a perceived danger, a "what if there's a breakdown" recognition. It's living on the edge.

The chance of anything going wrong is incredibly small. Even so, for those who want to be in control of all the chances, roller coasters are a no-no.

Christians live on the edge. We know that there is always a chance of being ridiculed, persecuted, or even killed for your faith. You can minimize the chances by living a very quiet Christian life, never talking about Jesus, never helping the needy, not getting very involved in church or religious organizations.

God wants to turn your world upside-down, inside-out, and every which way. For some, that's too scary.

"Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for My sake will find it." Matthew 10:39

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