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A Measure of Love

Wisdom is looked for in the older generations. Why? Because wisdom comes from making mistakes and learning from them.

It would be wonderful if wisdom could be taught, and younger students would just take our word for what happens when a person makes certain mistakes. Not much wisdom is gained so simply.

By the time you get halfway through life, you learn that love must be parceled out carefully. Loving freely, with your whole heart, often brings great pain.

I've run across many Christians lately that have just not learned this lesson. They love without caution. It seems to work for them. Perhaps they have a limit, but if they do, it's far beyond what I would have expected.

I want to learn to love like that, don't you? It seems to do everyone around them alot of good. In my heart, I know that God takes care of them, and gives them love that doesn't get returned by their fellow humans. God takes care of the imbalance. It just takes a leap of faith.

John 13:35, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."

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