Dampen My Day, Not My Spirits

I had all kinds of plans for today, but it's raining. It's raining alot.
When will I do all that good stuff I had planned? You can't do yard work in the rain. Shopping in a big city can be treacherous in the rain. Even walking the dog is ill-advised.
I kind of pouted inside myself for a few hours, I admit it. I finally decided to fight back!
Reading, it is said, is a way to visit faraway places without leaving your home. It works! I actually just caught up reading the local papers.
Music lifts your spirits above the clouds. I took it a step further with Christian pop music, lifting me heavenward.
I took time, while it was raining, to write to some friends. That got me out of my rainy little world and into theirs.
It surely is a waste of time, wishing you were someplace else. It's easy to do that on a rainy day. How many hours, days, and lifetimes are wasted thinking about what's wrong with where you are, instead of making the most of what's right about present circumstances?
Live every day, even the rainy ones.