The Sun Stood Still
I'm fascinated with the account in the Bible of the time that God extended a day, at Joshua's request.
It's found in the book of Joshua, chapter ten. The army of Israel had the upper hand in a battle, but daylight was going to run out before they could claim the victory. Joshua prayed that God would make the sun just stop, stay in place, and not let night come until the task was accomplished.
And God granted his request! The day was extended by another twenty-four hours.
Now, for those of us with a scientific bent, we immediately start thinking of all that would have to be fixed or tended to if the sun were stuck in the same place for an extra day. Our world is in an intricate (not precarious) balance. Much depends on the earth turning a complete revolution each day.
I have to be continually reminded that God is not limited. God still brings people back to life, makes diseases disappear, manages 'chance' meetings of people, keeps people from harm by changing their normal routines, and so much more. Eventually, maybe we will all stop selling God short.
Luke 1:37, "For nothing will be impossible with God."