Packing for Tomorrow
"So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today." Matthew 6:34
I've never had a grandchild before. Our first is due in less than five weeks.
Of course, that means she could arrive any time. My son and wife already have their bags packed for that thrilling trip to the hospital.
We want to be there, too. It'll be a three-hour drive, so we want to be able to get in the car at short notice. Time for us to pack our bags, too.
It would sure be easier if we knew exactly what day we would need to go. I've been trying to stay a little ahead on my work, and I've got a great substitute to handle church services for me at a moment's notice. There's the matter of making sure I have a dog sitter, and keeping plenty of gas in the car, not leaving any bills unpaid, and just alot of little details.
Thinking about that upcoming 'tomorrow' is stealing time from today! I try to keep focused on the main fact: The Lord will be in my tomorrows just as much as right now. "And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20