New Life Makes Me Tired
Your pastor is tired today, isn't he? It's the day after Easter.
It is a giant celebration, actually the most important day on a Christian's calendar. Sure, Thanksgiving is an important holiday, because people have to direct their thanks, and it's hard to ignore God. Christmas is even bigger---that baby in a manger is a sign that God keeps promises. Easter, though, is the promise fulfilled, of new life in Jesus Christ.
Maybe you are tired, too. We've concentrated through the many weeks of Lent on the cross and the love behind it. We've 'given up' things for Lent. We waved the palms on Palm Sunday, relived the betrayal of Maundy Thursday, and felt anything but good on Good Friday. Easter was Sunrise Service and Morning Worship, with maybe a breakfast feast in between. Then the whole family gathered for a feast and hiding eggs and..... well, we're tired.
The rabbits and the chicks and the eggs of Easter are all signs of new life. The new life will come, after you rest up, but only the way a Sabbath can bring it: Recentering on God.
You've been reminded of the eternal life that only Christ can bring. Grab hold of Christ. "Come unto me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.