Just out of Reach
It was a wonderful day in early March. The temperature had climbed to the eighties, and for once, the wind was not blowing.
I keep all my short-sleeved shirts hanging on a very high bar in the closet. It takes a tall step stool to reach them. When the weather gets warm, I swap them with the long-sleeved shirts, on the lower bar.
Was this the day to swap? I looked at the weather forcast for the next two weeks. No, it would not stay warm.
Sure would be a good day to wear a summer shirt. All it would take would be to walk the length of the house to the utility room, grab the step stool, bring it back to the closet, step up on it to get a short-sleeved shirt, get it down, take the step stool back. It might take three minutes.
But those summer shirts were out of reach. Why go to the trouble?
I can think of alot of thoughtful things we could be doing for other people, that would not take much time at all, but they never get done. I guess we're waiting for the right time, and it's always just out of reach.