Flew the Coop
Did you ever want to cook something old-fashioned, just to see if you could do it?
Well, see, I had this bag of frozen mixed vegetables. I had a cooked chicken breast. i decided I'd try to make a chicken pie, like some of those older ladies at church bring to the pot luck dinners.
I've been cooking for a long time, even at a couple restaurants in my younger years. We also own lots of cook books. I can do this.
I boiled the vegetables on the top of the stove. I made up a tasty gravy using chicken broth and mixed it with the vegetables. Then I made a thin biscuit dough and poured it on top.
Let me tell you, after I cooked it in the oven a little while, it looked great! Victory! Great ingredients, great finish!
So why is this chicken breast still sitting on the counter?
I made a chicken pie without the chicken.
To me, that's like living a wonderful life without God in it. The main ingredient is missing.
"In Him was life, and the life was the light of all people." John 1:4