You've Changed
It's been a long time. Maybe it's been forty years, I don't know. I've lost track.
Your face is different, that's it. No, not your hair. It doesn't bother me that it's gray now instead of blonde.
No, it's not the wrinkles. We all get them, some from frowning, some from smiling, all from growing older. That's no big deal.
You smile more now. That's the difference. I don't think it's because you're richer because, frankly, nobody seems to end up with alot of extra money, no matter how much they make. The more we make, the more we spend.
Really, nothing on the outside that you could do could possibly make you look as good as you do now. Your smile is from deep within, soul deep. You have found something that so many seem to miss, and so they will never radiate like you.
You've found the meaning of life. You've found Jesus. Jesus looks good on you.
"In Him was life, and the life was the light of all people." John 1:4