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Old Tunes

I've got over a hundred cassette tapes. Some of them go back to the beginnings of what is called "contemporary Christian music," songs that helped shape my life in the years leading up to my ministry career.

But they're getting old! They can usually stand one or two playings, then they break down in the cassette player. They either come unwound or start having muffled or blank sections.

I have transferred a few to CD's, a much longer-lasting medium, but that is a tedious process. (I want to preserve each song on a separate track.)

So at times I wonder why I go to the trouble. Why not just buy some new music? There is alot of good music being produced lately. Maybe I should just play the old cassettes another time or two and, when they mess up, throw them out.

The past is important. It's the foundation of the present. But then I remember, "God is the same yesterday, today, and forever." That means God is still creative, still making things new, not letting the past overrule the future.

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