What's Cooking, God?
I love to make the empty-the-refrigerator kind of meal. Whether you call it soup or stew, it's amazing how tasty a combination can be made by putting together a meat and a wild variety of vegetables.
God does that. Look at our churches! We've got people of various educational backgrounds, folks from the North and South and East and West, married and unmarried people, kids and teens and adults and senior citizens, etc. According to I Corinthians 12, he expects us to not only work together, but to be exactly what the church needed.
I often wonder about the church members who don't attend any more. Didn't God expect them to be part of the stew? Are we missing an important spice because of them?
When someone dies or moves away, is the mixture ruined, or does God have a new recipe in mind?
I'm convinced that God has a way of making any recipe taste good.