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The Other Side of the Leaf

Some new years are easier than others, in that I can immediately start writing the date correctly. Writing "2015" never was a problem last year, except that twice last year I put the date as 2007. (Was that one of my better years?)

This year just feels like one of those odd years that will give me difficulty writing the correct year on things. It seems strange to put 2016. It just doesn't have a comfortable sound to it. Oh, well.

My new year's resolutions have also given me more trouble. It's always great to 'turn over a new leaf.', but all these leaves have been turned over before! I've got to lose weight again. I've got to do a better job of keeping up with my calendar, again. I'm still trying to break the habit of starting to read and not finishing a nonfiction book. I listed twelve resolutions this year, and very few of them are new.

So I'll turn leaves over again this year. If you don't think you can change, it takes a chunk out of your character.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1


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