Bringing Light to Winter
I sure was glad to get past December 22, this year's shortest day. Each day now gets a couple minutes longer, from that short day of just under ten hours.
That's the toughest part of winter. The cold we can stand, with a little extra bundling up. It's the lack of sunshine that gets people down.
Consider this: There are some days when the average worker leaves for work in the dark, and returns home in the dark. Every hour of sunshine is spent at work!
Often in the winter, I end up walking my big dog, Alfie, after dark. It's rough! Even the best sidewalks have an occasional uneven place, and Alfie gets so perturbed at having to wait for me to get up off my face and brush off while he just stands beside me. Pick up your feet, man!
Jesus said, "Now, you are the light of the world." He meant that the Spirit of God in us should be shared with the rest of the world. It's so they don't stumble.
We all need a little more light.