Handling the Weeds
So, explain the part in the Bible that says not to pull the weeds out of your garden.
In Matthew 13:24-30, there is a parable about a grain field that has sprouted weeds. The hired hands go to the farmer and say, "Didn't you plant good seed? There are weeds coming up in your grain field. Do you want us to pull the weeds?"
The farmer says, "No, let them grow awhile. Pull the weeds at harvest time, before we cut the grain, when it's easy to tell the difference. If you pull them now, you'll damage the roots of the grain."
Now, when I was a kid, my dad would never let us get away with not weeding the garden. Don't expect to do any fun stuff if you haven't weeded your part of the garden. The weeds would steal nutrients from the vegetable plants!
There are many activities you pursue regularly that steal 'nutrients' from your spiritual growth. However, don't assume that everything that's not church-related or Bible-centered is a weed! Wait a little while. It could be that God wants to use that pursuit as common ground for you to reach someone for His kingdom. A conversation about college football, cooking, astronomy or whatever can sometimes lead to conversation about God.
If God says yank out a weed, don't hesitate! Just remember: Humans are notoriously bad at knowing a weed from something more valuable.