Almost Fit

Six years ago, I invested in a home gym. At the time it was about two hundred dollars, so the cost was significant enough that I felt compelled to actually use the equipment.
The display model was six feet tall, six feet long, and four feet wide. How would I get it home, in my Chevy Impala?
"No problem," the salesman said. "It comes in a box, some assembly required."
It was a big box, and a heavy box, but somehow I managed to get it home and into the spacious storage building. To make a long story short, two weeks later I had my home gym put together. Two weeks! I had two extra locknuts. I guess the manufacxturer assumed I'd lose a couple.
Two years later, we moved to a new town. I was not leaving that beautiful piece of muscle-building equipment behind! Over the course of three days, I carefully bagged and labelled every nut, bolt, and washer as I disassembled my beloved home gym.
At our new home, in the new storage building, I put the machine back together over the course of two long days. The pieces fit back together well, except now I was short one nut and bolt. How could that be?
Now it is four years later, and we have moved again. I have just completed putting the same piece of exercise equipment together for the third time. It only took five hours this time, which included fifteen minutes for reinstalling a major piece that I put on backwards. I was short a half-inch spacer this time.
So what does this story have to do with God? After all, my blog always has God in it, I'm a minister.
No matter how well a person tries to put their life together, something doesn't fit. There's too much of one thing, or too little of something else. God has the only right plan for your life. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.