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Imaginary Talk with God

I pulled up my chair close to His throne to have a little talk with my Father.

"Wonderful Dad, remember how You said that I could ask anything in Your name and You would do it for me? Well, I tell You what---what I'd like more than anything else would be to see my church full of people."

"Dear son," God said to me, "I will be glad to do that . Anything that is according to My word, I'll do for you. But remember, be sure that you think of the consequences first."

Well, I thought. Gee, maybe He'd fill it with folks very different from me. Or maybe it would be folks that were all alot older than me, or all alot younger. Maybe God would fill the church with folks alot richer than me, or alot poorer, or that liked music that I didn't like, or liked sermons longer or shorter than I do. I'd better be careful what I ask God for.

"God," I said, "I'd like You to fill the church with folks just like me."

At that, my Father snapped His heavenly fingters and the walls of the church came in closer and closer, until the church was only big enough for one person---me. I forgot. God knows that there's only one person like me. If the church was full of only that kind of people, I'd be very, very lonely.

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