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God in Us

"The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us," John chapter one says. Jesus was with God from the beginning, and He was God. My mind finds it hard to think that through. What was it like to be with one who always did the right thing, always knew the right word to say, who never hesitated in making the right choice? Jesus always thought the best of others, and was compassuionate when they failed.

Jesus was God among us, and yet He said He'd be with us always. Don't you see? God still dwells among us, inside us. That's even harder to get a handle on, because we are the body of Christ. We are the ones who are to bring out the best in others. We are the ones that know what God would have us do and say. We are able, in trusting the Spirit within us, to not hesitate in doing the right thing.

I pray we'll spend our lives trying to hear God's direction more clearly. Our lives must be living witnesses to the incredible love of God for everyone on this earth. As Jesus told Peter, "You hold the keys to heaven and hell."

We've got to keep the gate swinging open.

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