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Would You Go Out There?

Maybe God just doesn't make men like David anymore.

In the story of David and Goliath, I just can't imagine me doing the same thing in that situation. Goliath was almost twice David's height, with some fine armor. Good soldiers, known for courage and common sense, declined to take on the giant. Yet David never doubted he could win the contest, because he was standing "in the name of the Lord."

Maybe David hadn't really anticipated his bravery, either. He just happened on a situation where somebody needed to stand against evil in God's strength, and, well, it might as well be him.

When we come up against evil in our world, it may be a surprise or we may have advance notice. Somebody needs to stand against it! In our own strength, we'll be like the other soldiers, trembling and fearful. In God's trength, we'll defeat it.

God DOES still make people like David.

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