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What Changes?

It's hard to explain how God will change your life. I just know that He will. I can't lay out for you exactly what effect trusting in Jesus will have in your life--it varies. Some people suddenly feel happy all the time, some feel peace, some have a new confidence. For some, decisions become easier (and, for some, they become more difficult).

If you accept Jesus'death on the cross as payment for your sins aginst God, you give control of your life over to God. It's not like a financial deal, "I paid this amount, and expect these services in return." If that were the case, you would still be the manager of your life, and God would be your employee.

Years ago, I voluntarily put God in charge of my life, because I was convinced He could do a far better job of running it than I had done thus far. God has proven me right. My life is better, in a zillion ways. I thank God that He threw my plans out the window. He'll do the same with yours.

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