Time to Pray
There is a time for prayer. People differ, of course, as to when it's time to pray. Some pray all the time. Some rarely pray.
Those that rarely pray feel that God has given us a brain and abilities and talents, so that we can handle most everyday situations. "Use what God has given you. Don't bother God about little things." That way of thinking reveals a basic misunderstanding of prayer. It's not a request line for help, but conversation between two friends.
Those that pray all the time don't do it out of a lack of ability, or fear of facing life head-on. Constant prayer is a sharing of life with the One who is always with you; even when the conversation isn't put into words, there is a recognition of God's presence. You know what that's like, don't you? Some friends you can feel so comfortable with that you don't have to fill every silence with words.
Do those that pray constantly still call on God in times of crisis? You can be sure of it! Any close friend reveals all his struggles to his friend. God is a friend who is able to help us with anything that comes up, and is too close a friend to stand idly by. And, like the closest of friends, He won't let us settle for the easy way out.
Prayer is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of closeness.