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You know, doing everything the same today as yesterday is a good thing. So much of life is undependable and changeable; it's good to know something is steady. When you manage to get everyday life into a routine, you can more easily handle the off things that go wrong.

At least that's the theory people live by. Like most theories, it has to be tried to see if it really works. If it does, we've got a "law," like the Law of Gravity or Newton's Laws of Motion (a body at rest tends to stay at rest, and a body in motion tends to stay in motion). Does the theory work, "If most of life is kept the same, change is easier to handle"?

There is much discussion as to whether this theory concerning change is true. Some say it's never really been tested, since no one has ever gotten all their ducks in a row. Others say it's obviously true.

I live by an alternate theory: Since God does not change, anchor yourself to HIm, and you can handle anything that comes up. Works for me, every time.

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