God in Us
"The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us," John chapter one says. Jesus was with God from the beginning, and He was God. My mind...
Something from Nothing
My Great-Grandmother Fish was a quilter. Of course, she never bought fabric. Everything was made from scraps. Any old shirt, any sheet...
Would You Go Out There?
Maybe God just doesn't make men like David anymore. In the story of David and Goliath, I just can't imagine me doing the same thing in...
Tell Me How to Pray
Ever have anybody ask you how to pray? I have. What do you tell them? Prayer is conversation with God, plain and simple. You talk to...
Let Them Serve
There are a lot of things that children and teens can do in the church, if we give them a chance. In fact, they often get excited about...
Faulty Heroes
The Old Testament doesn't pull any punches. The heroes in our faith history were often prone to making mistakes. The Old Testament...
What Changes?
It's hard to explain how God will change your life. I just know that He will. I can't lay out for you exactly what effect trusting in...
Struck a Vain
Some don't quite understand why we're so picky about keeping the third of the Ten Commandments. "Don't take the name of the Lord in...
Time to Pray
There is a time for prayer. People differ, of course, as to when it's time to pray. Some pray all the time. Some rarely pray. Those...
You know, doing everything the same today as yesterday is a good thing. So much of life is undependable and changeable; it's good to...