No Pioneers
I'm really impressed with people that start their own business from scratch. Beginnings are always a struggle, but with patience,...
Is That a New Car?
One of our two family cars is getting a little age on it. Granted, we only drive it ten or so miles a week. Still, my wife and I have...
Stop the Sun
I'm in a Bible study right now that is considering miracles. Does God still do them? Can we expect them? Can we ask for them? I'm not...
Dancing with My Baby
It took a bit of effort for my wife to get me to take ballroom dancing lessons with her, many years ago. Men, especially athletes like...
Upside-Down Church
People like variety, right? Every routine needs to be changed at times to help us understand why we do things in a particular order. ...
Putting On a Show
I usually only get moderately excited over flowers. They are nice. They are pretty. But lantana are my kind of flower, because they...
Meatloaf Again?
When you have a family of five or six, you go through a lot of food. Most serving dishes are empty after each meal. However, if your...
Songs of the Heart
I make a weekly visit to a local nursing home to lead a simple worship service. Basically, I encapsulate my past Sunday's sermon to fit...
Loaded for the Road
My wife and I seem to have gone through stages in how we pack the car for a road trip. Our philosophy on what to pack has changed over...
I'll be 120 Before I Know It
I really fought becoming "middle aged." When you're a kid, you look forward to becoming an adult, with all its status and privileges. ...