Backwards Growth
Apply this to your club or civic organization if you want to. What I'm really talking about is church. Times have changed. People don't...
When to Wear New Shoes
We were buying some athletic shoes as a gift for a relative. Though the price was more than we really had planned to spend, we decided...
A Different Choker
I've got a lot of ties. I think the number is around forty right now, though I haven't counted in awhile. About a quarter of them are...
Be a Better Winner
Some people are not made to be winners. They just can't seem to handle it. You know the type. In victory, they seem to lord it over...
Their Turn
A great leader must learn to completely turn over a task to somebody else. Wait! It's not just leaders. We all need to let the next...
Tone It Down a Notch
I don't really know how I pulled that muscle in my leg. I guess I just twisted at the wrong time, when I should have gone straight. ...
Storm Time
I've taught myself to work from a list. The theory is that, with a previously-prepared list, you won't waste time wondering what to do...
Hey, nobody uses that word. Excision. It means "a cutting away, as of a tumor." As a novelist, I try to avoid using unfamiliar words. ...
Royal and Loyal Friends
We've gone through a lifetime together. I expect we'll be close for many years to come. My teeth are important to me. We're old...
Another Colorful Day
It snuck up on me, another special day. It's not the first time it has happened. Sometimes I forget, and end up working through a...