Can I Go Home Now?
Is the church a safe place? When will you return to your church? Churches have been slow to reopen. Pastors, board members, deacons are...
Things Don’t Fit
We’re in a different house now, and our Independence Day decorations need to find their rightful place. You know how it is. When you’ve...
Chasing Satisfaction
How much money is enough? We get asked that question many times, especially in our younger adult life. How big a life insurance policy...
Ratchet It Up
I love to pitch horseshoes. I played a little during my growing-up years, but hardly at all for decades after that. I took the sport up...
I’m Not That Person
I wonder if we really see each other. It’s embarrassing that many a husband doesn’t know his wife’s eye color. Wives and husbands often...
Aim Higher
He was a five-year-old who was really into basketball. Arnie loved to shoot baskets The basket was ten feet high, and he could hardly...
No Thanks to Church
The irony has not escaped you, I'll bet. The president told the world that it is "essential" that churches meet for worship. Many...
Look at All This Stuff!
I cannot believe how much I spent at the grocery store this week. "There are just two of us here! I remember how shocked I was ten years...
Won’t You Come In?
Do Christians do evangelism? I’m not talking about inviting someone to church. Truthfully, Christians rarely do that. Let me define what...
He’s a Loser
He could have been a great player. He practiced all the time. There was just something missing in his makeup. He won several...