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          I write.

          My first two novels, The Inside-Out Church and Circus on the Square, were completed with the help of Tate Publishing, in 2014 and 2015 respectively.  When Tate abruptly went out of business in 2017, I had to dive into the world of self-publishing.  I created a second edition of both, available on Amazon, not as professionally done.  If you want a signed copy of the first edition, send me an email.  I'll charge you $5 for shipping, plus $10 for IOC, $15 for COS, or $20 for both.

         In 2018, I published my third book, Chips of Granite (not a novel, but a collection of blogs).

         Building a Better Raymond, completed in 2018, began my "Rebuilding a Life" series.  I followed it in 2019 with Sharing the Road.  The third in the series is Charlotte's Nest, which became available in May 2020, followed by Loose Ends in 2021.  All are available on Amazon.

          Over the years, I've written various newspaper columns, a few song lyrics, and (since I'm a working pastor) several thousand sermons.  I've also penned hundreds of newsletter and Sunday bulletin articles.  Writing is how I honor God. God is where the talent originated, and God is my creative source. 

          I grew up in upstate New York, attended Swarthmore College and graduated with a Civil Engineering degree. We moved to Georgia, about two years after Joy and I married.  I entered the pastoral ministry of The United Methodist Church in 1992, after fourteen years working for J.M. Josey and Son (my father-in-law's grocery store).  I graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from Emory University in May of 1995.

         My hobbies are pitching horseshoes and basketball, and I love my four-mile walks.

         I officially retired from pastoral ministry in June of 2019 and became a full-time author.  God is full of surprises:  I returned as a part-time pastor in June 2020, and now have re-retired as of June 15, 2022.

        Gabriel is my latest and best book, published in April 2022.  You'll love it!


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