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Building a Better Raymond Characters

Raymond Wright

Ray is the main character in Building a Better Raymond (BBR).  Birthday is 2/19/78, story begins on September 22, 2014.  He is 6’, weighs 165 pounds, hazel eyes.  His hair is black, wears size 11 shoes.  Income is $80K. 

Ray’s favorite time of year is October, because of a major trade show  (The Home Electronics Expo, in Nashville).


Ray is quiet, but not shy.  He focuses on his work, therefore hasn’t taken the time to make friends.  He went to church some as a kid, became a Christian at 16, but eased away from it as he got older.


His mother, Caroline Wright, is a widow (husband Rex died in 2009).  She lives in Etna, a small town in New York State.  Husband left a pretty good pension and Social Security, making an income of about $70K.  She is now 70 (born 3/7/45).  Her hair was brown, now is pure gray.  Brown eyes.  Height is (was) 5’6”, weighs 120 pounds.  Only pet is a black cat named Melvin, 3 years old.  She bowls twice a week, 180 average.  Caroline buys a new white compact car every five years exactly, Ray always buys the old one.

Ray goes to visit for a week every summer, but rarely remembers to call on the phone.


Rex Wright, Ray’s dad, was the managing editor and columnist for a large newspaper.  He taught Ray a strong work ethic.  (Ray would never borrow money from his parents.)  He was not the kind to say, “I love you,” but considered that his family knew by how hard he worked to support them.  He had no hobbies.  He was 5’10”, black hair, gray eyes, weighed 220.


Caroline Wright still lives in the 3-bedroom, 1500 sq. ft. house that Ray and his siblings grew up in. Sister Karen and brother Brad still live in the same small town.  Brad is two  years younger than Ray, Karen five years younger.


Raymond and Dinah married when he was 26 and she was 22, on Independence Day.  She had just graduated from Eli Dayton College, with a teaching degree.  The marriage lasted ten years.  They had no children.  No alimony was required, just a one-time payment of $5,000 for Dinah’s share of the equity on the house.

Kathy Johnson

Kathy Johnson is the main character’s new love interest in Building a Better Raymond.  She is 34 (born 10/13/79), shoulder-length dark brown hair, brown eyes, freckles, dimples, not overweight but broad shoulders, 5’4’ tall.  Kathy is an elementary school principal.  She grew up in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and got her bachelor’s degree from Mansfield State.  Her master’s and doctorate degree were from University of Georgia while she began her teaching career.


Kathy has two brothers:  Mike Thomas is five years older, works as his dad’s music minister in Wilkes-Barre, has 2 daughters.  Mark Thomas is seven years older, works for the comptroller’s office of the city of Scranton, has a son in college.  Parents are both 62, Ken and Ann.


Kathy and her son (Dale) go to visit family in the summer and at Christmas.  As a pastor’s daughter, Kathy grew up in church.  It is still very important to her.


Kathy has been divorced 2 years.  Ed worked for a large insurance company, ran off with his secretary.


Kathy and son live down the street from Raymond Wright.


Dale Johnson

Dale Johnson is 10 (born 5/13/05), black hair, dark brown eyes, big smile, big ears, big feet.  He is outgoing, good at conversation with people of all ages.  He is religious, got saved at 8. 


He took the divorce okay,  happened about  same time he got saved.  His dad had never been very involved with Dale. 


Good grades, especially math.  Loves basketball, has a good outside shot, decent dribbler, practicing between-the-legs dribbling.  Sometimes babysits for Jacob and Sally Smith while their mom is home, doing other things.


His dog, Sam, is a cocker spaniel (not purebred, from local shelter), loves to chase squirrels.  Four years old (Dale got him 3 years ago), loves to wander the neighborhood.  Mostly brown, but is white on bottom half of left front and back legs, is only white on the paws of the other two legs.  Chipped by vet before Dale got him. Floppy ears.


Dinah Arthur Wright 

Dinah is the former wife of Raymond Wright, the main character in Build a Better Raymond.  She is 4 years younger than Ray, 32 when the story opens (born 5/11/82).  She is blonde, 5’6”, with dark blue eyes, dimples, athletic build.  She loves winter, since she enjoys adding life to any dull season or situation.


Stanley Darby- pudgy, graying, 5’10”, born 8/6/60.  Worked at Subway in high school, worked up to manager after high school.  Never married.  Worked in lawn care on side, until he was able to buy his own restaurant.

Rob Lansing- Former neighbor of Ray Wright.  Helped Ray move.  Brown hair, lanky.  Owns a baby blue ’65 Mustang.  Born 4/1/97.

Betty Stewart- Realtor.  Brunette, tall, “sturdy.”

Bill Whitney- Owner of Whitney’s Wild Nights.  Bought Ray’s Horner home.  Tall, slim, likes to wear jeans and button-up shirt, brown hair with gray at the temples.



Clint Jones- Pastor of  Ebenezer Baptist.  Short, energetic, “young”, sincere.

Mamie O’Conner- Cousin of Elsie Crandall.  Elderly, elegant, uses black cane, 5’0”.




Tom Sullivan- Co-founder of General Cleaning, born 1/3/55.  Short, lean.

Frank Raleigh- Co-founder of General Cleaning, born 3/6/50.  6’4”, gray hair, slim, bushy eyebrows.

Brenda Darnell- secretary at General Cleaning for Tom Sullivan and Ray Wright.  Red hair, always wears red finger nail polish.  Married to Lou.  One grown son and family.

Arnie Rice- manager of Product Development at General Cleaning.

Randy Lewis- Longish hair, slim, glasses, “eager eyes.”  Born 2/28/93.  Works in shop vac division of General Cleaning.



Chuck Burden-  pastor at St. John’s Community (Independent Methodist) Church, since June 1998.  Tall  (6’2”), blonde but balding prematurely, light blue eyes, not slim or fat (doesn’t get exercise), born 12/25/73.  His M.Div. is from Candler, only former clergy work was as youth pastor during seminary.  Wanders in the pulpit.  Would rather wear sport coat than suit, likes plaid shirts.  He writes a column for a local paper, The Homer Herald.  He hasn’t learned to make allies, to get his programs rolling.  Bakes pies.

Janet and Harry Wyman- live a few houses down from Raymond.  Harry likes bright colors, Janet likes red and black. Both are retired, trim and tanned.  Janet has beautiful white hair, and Harry has thinning gray hair.  Their son (Jack) and wife (Wendy) are missionaries in Brazil and have two sons.  Harry’s grandmother was a native of Brazil, and taught Harry to read and write Portuguese.

Brad and Jenny Smith- live across the street in a green house.  They have twin toddlers, Jacob and Sally (Sally is a smiler).  Brad is slim, Jenny is overweight.  Jenny likes to wear jeans.  She likes to garden and can, is a watercolor artist.

Elsie Crandall- 70, lives several houses down the street (where her deceased sister used to live).  She’s been a widow ten years, blames doctor for her husband’s (Willie’s) death.  Unchurched, but was nominal church member and occasional attender for many years.

Freddy Miller- Works at Buckner Hardware.  Slim, 5’10”, white hair, long white moustache, born 11/2/46.  Father to Daisy Miller.  Wife (Angela) died of cancer, at age 50, in 2007.  Attends Buckner Baptist Church.

Daisy Miller- 5’6”, short hair (color changes often), natural light brown hair.  Works as waitress at Annabelle’s.  Daughter of Freddy Miller.  Born  Christmas, 1983.  Helped Freddy care for her mom in dying years (2005-07).

Renita Alvarez- Buckner’s postmaster.  Hispanic, plump, long black pony tail.  Born 9/26/66.

Dan Lester- Ray’s next-door neighbor.  Married to Maggie, father of Debbie.  Curly black hair, 6’3”.

Maggie Lester- Dan’s wife.  Blonde, 5’6’, charming smile.

Debbie Lester- Born 3/7/97, attends University of Georgia.  Good basketball player, but not college level.  Long blonde hair (usually braided), 5’10”

Julius Ackerman- Ray’s other next-door neighbor (east).  African-American.  Nickname “Julie.”  Teaches American Literature at Eli Dayton.  Muscular build, 6’5”

Nancy Ackerman-   Julie’s wife.  African-American.  Slender, 5’7”, shoulder-length black hair.  Gentle demeanor.

Patrick Simmons- Short (5’6”), slim, light brown hair.  Born 5/3/75.  Works in Macon (GEICO).  Husband to Barbara.

Barbara Simmons- Short (5’3”), slim, light brown hair.  Born 2/23 /77.  Works in Macon (State Bank and Trust).

Elizabeth Simmons- Blonde, born 2/16/09.  Attends Christ UMC School in Warner Robins, plus after-school program.

Additional Characters for Sharing the Road and Charlotte's  Nest

Charlotte Skelton- Born 8/2/53.  Gray hair (former brunette), 5’11’, good figure, brown eyes.  Plays tennis in an early-morning ladies league in Horner.  Just retired (8/2/18) as claims adjuster with a national insurance company.  Has always lived with parents, just never met right guy to get married.  Operates small book store with lots of comfortable seating, always offers to share coffee with customers.  Store carries new books, newspapers.   Attends Westside Church.

(update) Charlotte’s dad sold The Reader’s Roost to Alex Edelston on 6/1/19.  A week later (6/9/19), her parents died instantly in a car wreck on Forsyth Road in Macon, when a huge tree limb dropped on their car.

John Skelton was a commercial realtor.  He had a knack for buying mismanaged failing businesses, installing a better manager, and selling high.  After ‘making his fortune,’ John would choose a business to buy each year that had potential, teach the former proprietor how to make good financial decisions, and sell it back to him at little to no profit.  Jake Ross was a beneficiary of this program.

Betty Skelton was the home support for John.  She made sure that evening hours could be spent as a family, playing board games or going out to eat or just reading.  She was an encourager to anyone that knew her.  She and Charlotte would cook together regularly.


Jake Ross- Born 12/31/79.  Owner and operator of Jake’s Garage.  Went to trade school to learn auto mechanics and business management.  His dad, Obadiah Ross, had brought him up working on cars and doing small engine repair.  When he was nearly done with his education, John Skelton found him at the trade school (on recommendation of his teachers) and offered to help him get started in a garage. African-American.


Thelma Ross- (3/3/80).  Thelma met Jake in a business class at trade school, helped him with some homework, fell in love with Jake and his dream.  She works part-time in keeping books at the garage, now that the business is making more profit.  Doesn’t mind being called “black.”   

Son Jackie (10/10/99), son Lance (9/23/01), and curly-haired Natalie (7/20/14).  Both sons work in the family business.


Freddy Miller- Works at Buckner Hardware.  Slim, 5’10”, white hair, long white moustache, born 11/2/46.  Father to Daisy Miller.  Wife (Angela) died of cancer, at age 50, in 2007.  Attends Buckner Baptist Church, recently started attending Buckner UMC when Baptists changed pastor.


Daisy Miller- 5’6”, short hair (color changes often), natural light brown hair.  Works as waitress at Annabelle’s.  Daughter of Freddy Miller.  Born  Christmas, 1983.  Helped Freddy care for her mom in dying years (2005-07).  Exceptional artist, takes lessons in Macon, has sold many pictures.  Likes acrylics best, started painting right after her mom died to give expression to her faith, took to it quickly.


Jack Turner- Self-employed electrician.  Gray shaggy hair, short.  Born 9/2/61.  Married to Jill (6/16/84) for ten years, divorced after having been high school sweethearts.  Still loves Jill, but is afraid to try the marriage again.  Daughter Haley (12/31/85) is single and fears romantic involvement.


Annabelle Perkins- Born 4/1/38, 5’4”, pure white hair.  Widowed in 1973, husband Lee was killed in action in Viet Nam.  Started restaurant to get out of depression, to give her life meaning.  Spends little time at the restaurant now, but expects a lot from her managers.  She cares for her wait staff immensely.


Jimmy Kilpatrick- United Methodist pastor for Buckner UMC and Westside UMC (in Horner).  Lives across from Ray.  Red hair, 6’0”, 200 pounds, born 6/6/76.  Jimmy worked in a restaurant before God called him to preach at age 26.  Westside was a dying church of 15 when he started on the charge, with a building in need of many repairs.  He and two other families decided to “gamble on God” and become a contemporary worship church two years after he arrived in 2013, and the others went along with it; in the last five years, Westside has experienced incredible growth.


John and Mandy Clark- Both born in 1993.  John is a professional fireman in Horner, works twenty-four hour shifts Monday through Wednesday each week.  Mandy teaches elementary school (3rd grade) with Dinah Arthur, loves children but loves to leave them at school.  No children yet.  John is 6’2”, dark hair, green eyes, in shape.  Mandy wears blonde pony tail, 5’7”, blue eyes.


Betsy Burston- Brunette, 5’4”, brown eyes.  Divorced, “took Fred to the cleaners,” born 5/18/48.  Simple lifestyle, tries not to gossip, loves her little black dog (Munchie), big Braves fan.


Alex Edelston- Retired from Eli Dayton as history department chair.  Loves to spin tales of both secular and Biblical history.  Medium height (5’8”), pure white hair, a little pudgy, loves slacks in dark colors and sweater vests, not in bright colors.  Born 6/14/49.



Jim and Millie Ranks- In their 70’s.  Millie is a cancer survivor.  Son has lawncare business.


Linda Martin- Gray hair, formerly blonde, born 8/12/51.  Charlotte’s cousin.  Widowed five years.  Worked civil service in Harrisburg, PA, retired at 66.  Does alterations and monogramming.  Walks for exercise.  Husband taught her handyman skills.






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